

My photography assignment today was to take pictures of one of the recently updated model homes of the home building company my husband works for. They've redone the kitchen, all the cabinets, floors, doors, etc. on this house. Eric asked me to take some pictures for him to use for the newsletter and since we were traveling most of the day, it was good to have an assignment rather than search for inspiration! The remodel is not quite complete. There's still some work to be finished and then the cleaning and decorating, so please excuse the dust in the pictures!!

I also learned a new photography trick today. I really don't like the way a flash blows out areas of photographs and distorts the lighting but sometimes you just plain need some more light! I kept getting pictures where I could see the flash reflecting off of the wood cabinets or windows and it was bugging me. So, since I've read about using things to soften your flash, I found a kleenex in my bag and held it over my built in flash and it worked! The flash added the light I needed and the tissue softened it enough to make it look natural. Of course, I didn't think about this being a blog topic at the time and I deleted the "bad" pictures so I don't have before and afters for you. Maybe next time! And if you have any other flash tips for me, please leave a comment! I would love to hear some :)

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