

The kids and I took a trip to the Children's Museum today. We had a fun visit and got to explore pretty much every area. We started off at the water exhibit where the kids can splash around with water toys. Jacob looked at me like, "Can I really put my hands in there and not get in trouble???" Then he went a little crazy splashing and I had to put the camera away for a bit. Other than the water, I think his favorite place was the "dirt" pit with all of the toy trucks.

Taylor had lots of fun too, but I didn't get many pictures of her since she was always running off to a different area and I had to monitor what Jacob was putting in his mouth! They were playing together pretty well at the sand area and I was thinking of how sweet it is to watch them play together and how neat it will be to see them grow up together.

The other funny thing that happened while we were there...another mom came up and asked if I was shooting in manual. I said that yes, I was trying to and she went on to tell me about how she had taken a class but she didn't even bring her camera with her because she's too scared to try. I told her this and will share it with anyone else reading: don't be afraid of your camera! My pictures do not always turn out. And yes, I tend to edit them before I post them here and they are still not always great. But the whole point as a mom with a camera is to capture those moments in your family's lives. Yes, if you're doing this for a living, you should have some knowledge of your camera. But the vast majority of you are moms...with cameras...so use them!! And when you look back a year from now or 5 years from now, you will be glad you have these memories...even if the white balance is off a little :)

...climbing off my soapbox now :)

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Blogger Jennifer said...

Soooo looking forward to exploring the other links you have there! I crave knowledge and the time I need to cram it in my brain!
I miss the days of tiny hands splashing and keeping track of toddlers! It is fun now, to joust verbally with my 13 year old each morning as he gets ready for school. Each stage offers something wonderful. Camera in hand to capture!!!

January 13, 2011 at 9:22 AM  

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